Stitch 20 – Herringbone Stitch

 Fariba Zahed /  / May 24, 2011








Row 1) repeat*(YO, Sl1, K1)
All following rows) repeat*(YO, Sl1, K2tog)

11 thoughts on “Stitch 20 – Herringbone Stitch”

  1. Teresita says:

    Are yo send to me the explication in Spanish ?… Tnahks…kisses

    1. Fariba says:

      Hi Teresita,
      I wish I could send you the explanation in Spanish but unfortunately I am not able to do it. However, YouTube have enabled a setting that enables viewers to change the speed of the video, I hope you could make the speed to the lower level to catch my hand movements.
      Good luck <3 <3 <3

  2. Carms says:

    How do your end this pattern?

    1. Fariba says:

      Hi Carms,
      Blocking as knit two together is the basic binding method that can be used for almost any kind of stitch. Here is the link for the tutorial:

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My name is Fariba. Knitting is my passion since I was a little kid.

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