My name is Fariba. Knitting is my passion since I was a little kid.

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  • Stitch 1- Basic Rib Stitch
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Honeycomb brioche stitch tutorial – stitch no.33

Honeycomb Brioche stitch is pretty elastic stitch if you choose the right needle for your yarn. It will be prettier if you make it loose.

This pattern is complete in four rows and you need to cast on even number of stitches including two stitches for edges. In the first and second row you make the pattern and in the third and fourth you offset the pattern. To make it a little easier knit one row with basic stitch.  Start the pattern from next row.  Always pay attention to right and wrong side of your work. In right side, which that would be row one and row three, you K1b; knit one stitch below. In wrong side, row two and four, you K2tog with with string behind; Knit two stitches together. See below notes for K1b and K2tog. 


Cast on:
Even number of stitches (multiple of 2). Knit one row with basic knit stitch, and then start from row 1.

Row 1: Sl1, rep*( k1, k1b), k1  (see note for K1b )

Row 2: Sl1, rep*( K2tog with string behind, K1 )*, K1 (see note for K2tog with string behind )
Row 3: Sl1, rep*( K1b, K1)*, K1
Row 4: Sl1, rep*( K1, K2tog with string behind )*, K1

k1b (knit one below):
Insert the right needle into the stitch below the next stitch from front to back, knit normally and let the stitch above fall from the left needle.

K2tog with back string: Knit the next stitch with the diagonal strand that have been made by knit one below stitch in the previous row. Insert the right needle into the loop/string made by K1b, from front to back, and then pass through the next stitch at the same direction and knit normally.



5 responses to “Honeycomb brioche stitch tutorial – stitch no.33”

  1. Love yogur knitting videos!

  2. Ginette Allard Leclair Avatar
    Ginette Allard Leclair

    Can you show me how to draw up Loose Loop in a Center dec stitch.
    After purling 3 stitches, how do I insert a cable needle into the front of the same
    Center dec stitch & draw up a Loose Loop.

    Thank you.

    1. Fariba Avatar

      Hi Ginette, if I am not wrong you wanna make decreasing over three purl stitches. If this is the case one practical way is to slip the first two stitches purl-wise one at a time into your right needle, then purl the third stitch and then insert the tip of left needle into the two slipped stitches from left to right and pull them over the purled stitch and drop them off the needle.

  3. I want to knit this in the round, making a hat. How should I modify it when working in the round? Would it use only a two row repeat of rows 1 & 3? And, how would I decrease for the crown, maintaining the honeycomb pattern?

    1. Hi becki,
      I found this tutorial on the web, hope it help you

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