How to Knit a Slouchy Toque with Puff Rib Stitch?

 Fariba /  / February 14, 2017



  • Head circumference 22″/56 cm



  • Used 2.5 oz/70 g of 1 ball (120 g 100% Acrylic) Bébé Luv Baby Fashion Georga, Colour # Grey
  • Circular Needle: size 7 (4.5 mm) length 16″/40 cm
  • Measuring tape
  • Pair of scissors
  • Eye blunt needle




108 sts and 6 rows to 1″/2.5cm over Rib Stitch.
One set up row for Puff Rib Stitch and increasing 2 stitches
80 rows/8.5″/22 cm on Puff Rib Stitch pat.
Last two rows with K2tog (end up with 28 sts)



With 2 needles, CO 108 sts.
Join the circular.
Row 1 to Row 6: REP (K2, P2)
Row 7: REP *(YO, K2, P2, REP (K3, P2) for 54 sts)*

Puff Rib Stitch Pat
Row 8: REP (K3, P2)
Row 9: REP (MLL, K3, MLL, P2) *see the blow for abbreviation
Row 10: REP ( SL1, K3, SL1, P2) *see the blow for abbreviation
Row 11: REP (K2togFR, K1, K2togFL, P2)
Row 12 to 88: Repeat row 8 to row 11
Row 89 & 90: K2TOG

*MLL: Make a long loop by inserting right needle tip into the third loop down to the middle knit stitch, grab the yarn from back and pull it out and leave it in right needle. ( See the tutorial video here)

*SL: Slip the stitch from left needle to the right needle.

Cast off
By using a needle stitch the gap in straight line to block the end.


2 thoughts on “How to Knit a Slouchy Toque with Puff Rib Stitch?”

  1. Amanda Holtzinger says:

    I love this pattern!
    Can you explain the decrease in more detail?

    Thank you,

  2. Lana Neimeth says:

    I love this hat and I’m about to make one. I’m curious what the directions are referring to, when it says to cast on with two needles. Does this mean to cast on over two needles?

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My name is Fariba. Knitting is my passion since I was a little kid.

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